Schedule Frequency Options Assertions #
The following assertions are mapped to each of the Schedule Frequency Options that are available to eloquently configure schedules in Laravel.
Each of these assertions have the same parameters as their counterparts.
runsAt #
Asserts that the command runs at the given time.
runsEveryMinute #
Asserts that the command runs every minute.
runsEveryTwoMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every two minutes.
runsEveryThreeMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every three minutes.
runsEveryFourMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every four minutes.
runsEveryFiveMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every five minutes.
runsEveryTenMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every ten minutes.
runsEveryFifteenMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every fifteen minutes.
runsEveryThirtyMinutes #
Asserts that the command runs every thirty minutes.
runsHourly #
Asserts that the command runs every hour.
runsHourlyAt #
Asserts that the command runs every hour at the given time/s.
->runsHourlyAt(offset: 10);
// multiple times can be passed as an array
->runsHourlyAt(offset: [10, 30]);
runsEveryOddHour #
Asserts that the command runs every odd hour.
runsEveryTwoHours #
Asserts that the command runs every two hours.
runsEveryThreeHours #
Asserts that the command runs every three hours.
runsEveryFourHours #
Asserts that the command runs every four hours.
runsEverySixHours #
Asserts that the command runs every six hours.
runsDaily #
Asserts that the command runs daily at the start of the day.
runsDailyAt #
Asserts that the command runs daily at the given time.
->runsDailyAt(offset: '16:00');
runsTwiceDaily #
Asserts that the command runs twice daily. By default the hours checked are the first and thirteenth hour.
// Checking it runs at 08:00 and 20:00
->runsTwiceDaily(first: 8, second: 20);
runsTwiceDailyAt #
Asserts that the command runs twice daily at the given time.
// Checking it runs at 08:15 and 20:15
->runsTwiceDailyAt(first: 8, second: 20, offset: '15');
runsWeekly #
Asserts that the command runs weekly.
runsWeeklyOn #
Asserts that the command runs weekly on the given day/s and time.
->runsWeeklyOn(dayOfWeek: 1, time: '12:15');
->runsWeeklyOn(dayOfWeek: [1, 3, 5], time: '12:15');
runsMonthly #
Asserts that the command runs monthly.
runsMonthlyOn #
Asserts that the command runs monthly on the given day and time.
->runsMonthlyOn(dayOfMonth: 5, time: '13:30');
runsTwiceMonthly #
Asserts that the command runs twice monthly. By default the days checked are the first and sixteenth of the month at 00:00.
->runsTwiceMonthly(first: 5, second: 10, time: '16:30');
runsLastDayOfMonth #
Asserts that the command runs on the last day of each month.
->runsLastDayOfMonth(time: '13:30');
runsQuarterly #
Asserts that the command runs quarterly.
runsQuarterlyOn #
Asserts that the command runs quarterly on the given day and time.
->runsQuarterlyOn(dayOfQuarter: 5, time: '12:45');
runsYearly #
Asserts that the command runs yearly.
runsYearlyOn #
Asserts that the command runs yearly on the given month, day of month and time.
->runsYearlyOn(month: 4, dayOfMonth: 10, time: '03:30');
runsOnWeekdays #
Asserts that the command runs on weekdays.
runsOnWeekends #
Asserts that the command runs on weekends.
runsOnMondays #
Asserts that the command runs on mondays.
runsOnTuesdays #
Asserts that the command runs on tuesdays.
runsOnWednesdays #
Asserts that the command runs on wednesdays.
runsOnThursdays #
Asserts that the command runs on thursdays.
runsOnFridays #
Asserts that the command runs on fridays.
runsOnSaturdays #
Asserts that the command runs on saturdays.
runsOnSundays #
Asserts that the command runs on sundays.
runsOnDays #
Asserts that the command runs on the given days.
->runsOnDays(days: 3);
->runsOnDays(days: [2, 4, 6]);
runsOnDays #
Asserts that the command runs on the given days.
->runsOnDays(days: 3);
->runsOnDays(days: [2, 4, 6]);